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  • Beautiful Springtime

    Spring is genuinely captivating and refreshing, punctuated by a profound sense of optimism and possibility. The world feels Alice with potential, offering countless opportunities for personal growth. Spring encourages us to take action, pursue our passions, and embark on new adventures. motivation and enthusiasm bubble up within us as we witness the world around us coming back to life. The energy of spring is a powerful force that revitalises, rejuvenates and renews. It infuses us with enthusiasm, encouraging personal growth and a connection with the world around us. Spring reminds us of the ever present potential for transformation and invites us to embrace beauty and vibrancy of life. Consider the following journaling prompts: How does witnessing the changes of impact your sense of renewal and growth? What areas of your life could benefit from a spring clean? Consider spaces, emotional baggage, or even outdated beliefs and habits. In what ways do you return to equilibrium in your life at this time of year? What aspirations and goals do you have for this spring season? Write about the steps you can take to nurture and nourish your dreams. What elements might you add to your home, office or relaxation space to amplify the energy of spring? Allow yourself time to pause and reflect on your answers and what you need to take from them.

  • Winter Stillness & Transformation

    Winter is a season that brings a unique energy to our lives. It is a time of darkness, stillness and introspection. The season encourages us to slow down and turn inward. The season provides us with a unique opportunity to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the year to come. We can use this slower pace of winter to deepen our relaxation practices connecting with the stillness and quiet surrounding us. The energy of winter is one of stillness, introspection and transformation. If we can embrace this energy, we can find rest and renewal, deepen our relaxation, and prepare for the new growth in spring. Journal prompts: ·      What is my relationship to rest? ·      What is my relationship with productivity? ·      What experiences do I wish to integrate in order to move forward? ·      Which experiences do I wish to let go of? ·      What elements might I add to enhance the aesthetic of winter? ·      What would help me to enjoy the simple pleasure of being in the here and now?

  • Embrace letting go and growth in autumn

    Embrace the transformative power of letting go and the beauty of growth in Autumn. Use the wisdom of the season to let go of what no longer serves you and begin the process of regeneration and nourishing what does, whilst you find contentment at home by paying attention to what you already have. Pause and take time now to reflect with these journaling prompts: What aspects of nature do you find most captivating during autumn? What changes have you experienced this year? How have these changes shaped you, and what have you learnt? What are you grateful for in your life right now? What self-care practices, past times and hobbies serve you well during autumn? What aspects of your life are you ready to let go of right now? What are the next steps for you to be able to embrace this letting go, transformation and growth? Allow yourself to believe transformation is there for you right now, and mindfully pause to become aware of what's there for you and what you need. It can help to use an affirmation as well, and you may want to try the one below. 'I am ready to embrace transformation with open arms.' Make space for something new and evoke feelings of excitement, adventure and newness that reignite your spark again and build resilience as you head into the new year.

  • Relax with a sound meditation journey

    Join us in person for a sound meditation journey with various therapeutic instruments and percussion. The sessions include an introduction to sound therapy and a theme, a guided meditation practice, a sound meditation practice, a reading on the theme, grounding practice, and time for reflection and sharing.

  • Write for healing

    Join one of our therapeutic and reflective writing sessions or workshops to better understand your thoughts, feelings and emotions with different writing practices with a theme. Session normally include a welcome and grounding technique, introduction of the theme, a reading or two, introduction of a few writing practices e.g with a prompt, poem, list, free write, object, or picture, and time for reflection, sharing and discussion on resources.

  • Be Mindful

    Join one of our mindfulness meditation sessions online or a workshop in person to learn more about the mindfulness pillars, and work through a particular theme on the day. Sessions would normally include a grounding technique, introduction to the theme, a reading, a few mindfulness meditations, time for reflection and sharing, and a closing practice. Look out for upcoming events on our Facebook and Instagram channels.

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